


如果下水道臭气熏天, 下水道里有苍蝇, 或者有严重的溢出, 那你就该知道你需要清理下水道了. 保持下水道清洁的一个方法是 聘请一家化学排水管维修公司. A chemical drain cleaning company provides chemicals to keep drains clear of clogs. These chemicals break down the fats, oils, and greases (FOGs) that cause clogs.

While it may be easy to know you need your drains cleaned, finding a company to provide this service can be difficult. It can be challenging to understand why to hire one company over another.

在State Chemical, we provide chemical drain maintenance across the United States, 加拿大, 和波多黎各. 通过澳门威尼斯人赌城网站销售下水道清洗机的经验, we have learned what clients look for in choosing a drain maintenance company.

Our clients choose between chemical drain cleaning companies based on four factors:

  1. Whether the company provides service along with their chemical products
  2. Whether the company offers a variety of drain-cleaning chemicals
  3. 公司是否在预算之内
  4. Whether the company offers other services beyond drain maintenance


Factor One: Whether the Chemical Drain Cleaning Company Provides 服务

The number one factor our clients use to decide what chemical drain cleaning company to choose is whether the company provides service. Some chemical companies will ship the drain pump and chemicals to you, 但需要你维护设备. If you choose a company that does not provide service, you will have to change the bucket of chemicals when it is empty and fix and replace the drain pump when necessary.

Other drain chemical companies provide basic services. A company that only offers essential services will switch out the bucket of chemicals and fix the equipment when necessary, 但不会提供任何额外的咨询. This company will provide basic upkeep, but nothing more.

一些排水管清洁公司, 包括国家化工, 采用协商模式, meaning they will provide regular service and training and build a relationship with you. 这些公司 will stop by regularly to switch out the bucket of chemicals and fix and replace the drain pumping equipment as needed.

Additionally, these companies will train you to use any products they sell correctly. Many companies provide ready-to-use chemicals and preventative 排泄护理, 这些公司会培训你如何使用它们. Training is crucial because misusing a chemical cleaner can damage your facilities.

Companies working in a consultative model will focus on your problems. Instead of selling you the same products they sell to everyone, they will focus on how to fix the problems unique to your facility.

排水管的象形图. 排水管是


Factor Two: Whether the Chemical Drain Cleaning Company Offers a Variety of Chemical Solutions

Another factor our clients consider in choosing a chemical drain cleaning is the variety of chemical products they offer. 如果一家公司有多种化学品可供选择, 然后你可以选择最适合你的解决方案. Some factors to consider when selecting a chemical include whether it is environmentally friendly, 活性成分, 价格点.


Factor Three: Whether the Chemical Drain Cleaning Company Offers Solutions Within Your Budget

澳门威尼斯人赌城网站客户关心的另一个主要问题是价格. Different facilities have very distinct budgets for 排泄护理 maintenance. In choosing a drain maintenance provider, keep your price point in mind. 许多供应商有不同价格的化学品, so the same provider can offer solutions at various prices.

In considering the price, remember to compare the overall cost of the bottle of product and 每次使用的价格. A higher price bottle may be cheaper per use because it is a more concentrated product. 如果产品是浓缩的, 你必须一次少用一点, meaning that 每次使用的价格 is cheaper than a diluted product.


Factor Four: Whether the Chemical Drain Cleaning Company Offers Other 服务s 

最后, typical clients consider whether the chemical drain cleaning company offers other services besides drain maintenance. Some companies are one-stop shops for needs across your facility. 这些公司 提供除排水管护理之外的其他服务. 例如, some drain maintenance companies also offer 空气护理 so that your facility smells nice and general cleaning supplies to keep your facility clean.

Diagram listing the 4 factors to consider when choosing a drain cleaning company. The listed factors are: (1) whether service is provided, (2) whether there are a variety of products to choose from, (3)解决方案是否在你的预算范围内, (四)公司是否提供其他服务.


Choose the Drain Cleaning Company that is Best For You

Choosing a drain cleaning company can be frustrating as the decision involves various factors: different companies provide various levels of service, 提供多种化学品, 提供不同价位的解决方案, 有些公司还提供排水护理以外的服务.

Once you choose a drain maintenance company, you must next decide 如何购买他们的产品. Many companies offer drain maintenance on a transactional basis (meaning you purchase the chemicals as needed) and on a contractual basis (meaning you enter a contract for the company to provide the chemicals on a regular cadence). Now that you know how to choose a drain maintenance company, you will next figure out how to buy.